Why Late Holiday Buyers Are a Revenue Multiplier

Consumers are only human. They might have the best intentions, but when it comes to getting all their holiday shopping out of the way well in advance … well, they don’t always meet that goal. This is great news for e-commerce businesses, however. These shoppers need to make purchases fast in order to have their gifts ready in time for the holiday — so it’s the perfect time to entice them with great deals and coupons. Take a look at some of the reasons that late holiday buyers are a revenue multiplier and how you can best target them.

They Are Looking for Ideas

One of the reasons why people wait to shop is because they just don’t know what to buy! You can take advantage of this need by sending out personalized holiday greetings to previous or potential customers in your mailing list that feature gift ideas based on items they have purchased or browsed through.

They Respond Well to Gift Guides

If customers come to your store, they may know the general sense of what they are looking for, but offering them product ideas and gift guides will give them the extra nudge they need to make the purchase. Pick some of the best-selling products of the year, and make sure they are easy to find and in stock. Create gift guides based on top sellers or crafted around your target audiences, i.e., Gifts for Dad or Gifts for Runners.

They Just Need an Extra Nudge

Retargeting is one of the best ways to entice shoppers who are on the verge of purchasing but have slipped away and left items in their cart. It uses predictive optimization to show these users ads and even coupons for the products they had nearly purchased. It’s a great way to give them another reason to consider making the purchase because they stand to gain from the lowered price.

They Are Waiting for Deals

Some people simply won’t make the holiday deadline or are just interested in taking advantage of sales after the holiday has passed. You can maximize holiday sales by setting up a last minute holiday sales of excess items you have — extended sales like these are a great way to reignite sales late into or after the holiday season.

Eloqua and Adobe Connect allow you to set up analytics integration and personalization so you can take advantage of the revenue that comes from late holiday buyers.




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