Increase the Speed of Your Adobe Marketing Cloud with eNautics

Your customer base is growing more segmented and fickle by the day. Therefore, finding the right marketing and ecommerce solutions — even the best available like the Adobe Marketing Cloud — is no longer enough to maintain a competitive edge within a hypercompetitive marketplace.

Those solutions must be implemented in the most efficient and effective ways to maximize their benefit to your customers and your bottom line. Given that segmented and fickle audience, speed is of the essence to ultimately find success in the digital environment. Enautics is the partner that can help you utilize the Adobe Marketing Cloud in the best possible way for you to boost loading speeds and better identify, engage and convert your audience.

The Data Doesn’t Lie

The impact of speed on the success of digital marketing and e-commerce applications cannot be overstated. Thankfully, with the alphabet soup of marketing metrics — PPC, ROI, ROAS, CLV, and endless more — readily available like to any marketer, measuring that impact doesn’t require a PhD.

To quantify the impact of speed on e-commerce, one need look no further than bounce rate data to quickly realize its importance. Recent data has shown that 53 percent of visitors leave pages if they fail to load within three seconds. Furthermore, when average load speeds increase from one to 10 seconds, bounce rates rise by an incredible 123 percent. Obviously, there is a direct correlation between speed and sales in digital marketing that can create dire circumstances for companies that fail to properly address it.

This can present a quandary for marketers that, at least at first glance, are faced with the problem of maximizing speeds while still infusing their message with the personalized, targeted approach needed to foster engaging, lasting connections with an audience. Unless a marketer effectively leverages the correct combinations of technology and expertise, there can absolutely be a trade-off between speed and personalized content. Thankfully, if properly chosen and implemented, however, technology can vastly improve the speed of data being shared between marketing systems and, therefore, significantly enhance the visitor’s experience as a result of personalization.

Maximize Speed, Sales for Your Adobe Marketing Cloud

All is not lost for companies searching for effective solutions to help them maximize loading speeds within their Adobe Marketing Cloud. With a skill set and knowledge base specializing in maximizing speed, minimizing bounce rates, and optimizing ROI, eNautics can increase your marketing results between 50 and 200 percent by leveraging innovation and expertise.

To put it succinctly, we are able to drastically improve your speed in two primary areas: the data syncs between Oracle Eloqua or Responsys and Adobe, as well as significantly increased efficiencies of speed between Adobe Experience Manager and Eloqua or Responsys. Concentrating on the former of the two, the sheer speed of the syncing between the platforms increases the ability for marketers to interpret, analyze, and implement actionable insights far faster than ever before.

This, of course, drives the marketing personalization — and subsequent reporting — that differentiates your message from the rest. With the speed eNautics is able to infuse throughout your Adobe Marketing Cloud, your marketing can leverage an immediacy of data and feedback that instills an agility throughout your marketing strategies. Such an ability is an invaluable asset when trying to engage and convert an ever-evolving marketplace.

The Right Partner Makes All the Difference

Between automated solutions like Eloqua, performance measurement through Adobe Analytics, Digital Asset Managers for maximum agility and speed, and an emphasis on cart recovery to immediately boost revenue, eNautics equips you for the rigors of competing in a crowded and competitive environment.

Properly integrating these and other platforms to lend your campaigns the potency and insight you crave allows eNautics to help transform your Adobe Marketing Cloud into the fast, reliable and results-oriented solution needed to thrive in a dynamic, ever-evolving marketplace.

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