3 Reasons to Target Mobile Users Differently: Ultra-Personalization Matters

Personalized content is no longer enough. Today’s most effective marketers have abandoned customer segments to communicate with audiences of one. A recent Forbes article declared “Extreme Personalization Is the New Personalization,” citing benefits of revenue, superior customer engagement and loyalty for marketers who nail ultra-personalization.

Fueled by big data and technologies for real-time customer targeting, consultant Benjamin Mokotoff defines ultra-personalization as the practice of “[combining] curation and personalization to create tailored … experiences based on individual consumer preferences.” Read on to discover three reasons it’s time to start thinking differently about targeting your mobile users today.

1. Incomplete Personalization Is a Risk to Customer Retention

Ninety-eight percent of consumers have been dissuaded from completing a purchase because of incomplete or incorrect content, according to Episerver research, while 32 percent are dissuaded every time. From the modern mobile user’s perspective, inaccurate personalized messages can feel disingenuous or untrustworthy.

2. Consumers Look for Personalization

Over 78 percent of consumers won’t engage with branded offers, including mobile push notifications, if the offer isn’t tailored to their past interactions with the brand. In an era where consumers are drowning in content, one-to-one personalization is likely key to gaining notice and trust among your mobile audiences.

3. Real-Time Personalization Remains a Top Challenge

While 88 percent of marketers report a measurable lift from personalization efforts, per Evergage, technology may be a success barrier. Sixty-eight percent of marketers struggle to create a “real-time view” of their audience, which could indicate that most brands are lacking the tools needed to harness fast-moving big data.

Ultra-personalized communications need to be delivered at the moment of need to capture consumers in a moment of purchase intent. Brands who unlock the secret to real-time, one-to-one content delivery may gain significant advantage.

Conclusion: Ultra-Personalization May Be Simpler Than You Think

If you’ve got Eloqua and Adobe Target, you can offer one-to-one, real-time personalization on web and mobile applications. It’s possible for marketing teams to supercharge Adobe Target with real-time Eloqua data into your customer’s digital behaviors, allowing real-time, hyper-targeted content delivery at the moment of need.

For many brands, the solution to achieve more personalized communications and the benefits of ultra-personalization — including better revenue, customer retention and superior loyalty — doesn’t require costly new technologies or custom MarTech development projects. For Eloqua and Adobe users, the solution to one-to-one communications with your mobile users is the proper integration of technologies that already exist in your stack.

To learn more about how eNautics can enable your brand to achieve hyper-targeted communications with your mobile audiences, click here to start a conversation today.


  • https://www.forbes.com/sites/briansolis/2017/11/30/extreme-personalization-is-the-new-personalization-how-to-use-ai-to-personalize-consumer-engagement/#4819be1b829a
  • https://www.slalom.com/thinking/hyper-personalization
  • https://www.episerver.com/about/news/press-room/pressreleases/98-percent-of-shoppers-have-been-deterred-from-completing-a-purchase-because-of-incomplete-content/
  • https://www.loyalty360.org/loyalty-today/article/customers-frustrated-with-brands-that-fail-to-pers#sthash.3PDFp438.dpuf
  • http://www.evergage.com/wp-content/uploads/2016/06/2016-Trends-in-Personalization-Survey-Report-Evergage-final.pdf
  • https://www.sheerid.com/10-surprising-stats-about-personalization/
  • https://enautics.com/contact-us/
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