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SegmentSync | Use Cases

Top Use Cases for SegmentSync

By using SegmentSync to integrate their Adobe Experience Cloud with Oracle Marketing Cloud our clients can now leverage several powerful business use cases. Below are some specific use cases:

1. Campaign Performance Clarity

SegmentSync allows you to have a clear view of how your campaigns are performing. You can build reports that show email sends, opens, clicks, bounce backs, unsubscribes and, Adobe Analytics metrics, all in one user interface. You can then break them down by other criteria including mobile, device type, and other Adobe Analytics metrics.


2. Cart Recovery Program

SegmentSync allows you to also conduct cart recovery campaigns. When someone adds a product to a shopping cart, up to 85% of those carts are abandoned and not recovered. SegmentSync is the fastest enterprise integration that allows you to execute cart recovery campaigns in as fast as 30 minutes, once the cart is abandoned.


3. Application Recovery Campaigns

An abandoned application is when a consumer starts to apply for a financial service product and doesn’t finish the online application. SegmentSync Financial Services module allows for real time syncing between Oracle Eloqua and Responsys. This supports the ability to send application recovery emails to the consumer, offering them to finish their application.


4. 1to1 Real-Time Website Personalization

Clients who have Adobe Target, Optimizely, or Maximizer, can benefit from what we call, 1to1 Real-time Website Personalization. As the contact visits the website you can pull in CRM data that is stored in Eloqua to be used to customize visitor’s experience. We’ve seen this lead to an increase in your website’s engagement and offer responses.


5. Mobile Campaigns

Mobile is the fastest growing technology channel being used by the market today. With SegmentSync you can leverage Adobe Analytics to identify which of your visitors are using a mobile device, the manufacture, and which operating system they’re using. For example, this allows you to target email campaigns to iPad vs. iPhone users.


6. Late Buyer Campaigns

Every holiday season e-commerce companies have “Late Buyers”. Late buyers are people who wait until the last minute to make a purchase before the holidays. SegmentSync allows you to leverage Adobe Analytics purchase data to identify late buyers for future email campaigns to incentivize them to purchase earlier.


7. Customer Onboarding Campaigns

With SegmentSync, Adobe Analytics will communicate with your email system when someone has purchased. You can start an automatic onboarding campaign that can take them down a designated path to welcome them into your company or product, improving customer experience.

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